About Us

The Society of Turkish American Physicians is a nonprofit professional organization that brings together physicians of Turkish descent practicing or planning to practice in the United States. Our mission is to foster unity, collaboration, and excellence among Turkish American physicians while promoting their contributions to the field of medicine and healthcare. All board members and officers of STAP work on a volunteer basis without any compensation.

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Recent News & Updates

Updates about what we are doing, planning, and more...

Join Our Webinars to Learn About the Match Process in the US and Make Connections

The Society of Turkish American Physicians organizes engaging webinars that offer a wealth of knowledge and mentoring opportunities for incoming Turkish American physicians and healthcare professionals. Our webinars aim to address all our members, who may be at different points in their journey.

Retreat 2024 is here!

We are excited to announce the First Annual Turkish American Physicians Retreat, organized by the Society of Turkish American Physicians. We look forward to connecting with the Turkish physician community in the United States to strengthen our bond and have fun while networking.